Category - Beer
Budweiser's New Super Bowl Commercial Just Brought Back a Classic Tradition
The 2025 Super Bowl will be accompanied by the sound of beating horse hooves. For the first time in over a decade, Budweiser is putting Clydesdale horses front and center in their ad campaigns. For those who grew up in the 80s and 90s, the site of Clydesdales galloping through the snow was 100 percent synonymous with the King of Beers. And now, as Budweiser continues to try and regain its famous dominance as one of the greatest cheap beers, the first big Bud ad for the 59th Super Bowl is out early, and celebrating a tradition that started back in 1933.
In a new ad that will run during the 2025 Super Bowl on February 9, but is on YouTube now. (Watch below). In it, a tiny foal Clydesdale is eager to deliver beer with all the other full-grown horses. But, he's still too little! Cute chaos ensues when a keg falls off a wagon and the little foal decides to deliver it on his own.
From there, the horse makes an incredible journey over waterfalls, and great distances, all the way to a local bar, where it drops off the keg while a bunch of dudes are playing pool. A requisite "horse walks into a bar" joke is uttered, because, of course.
Clearly, we're meant to think this keg of Bud is way more legit because it was delivered by this lone horse, on a Hobbit-like quest. Of course, Budweiser doesn't really use Clydesdale horses to deliver beer anymore, but the new commercial is undeniably smart because it feels so old school. This is a new Budweiser commercial that feels like an old Budweiser commercial. The beer, more or less, tastes the same as it did the last time Clydesdale horses were used in Bud Super Bowl commercials, and now, the brand looks exactly as it did before any of us were old enough to drink, or, ride a horse.
The 59th Super Bowl—Kanas City Chiefs at Philadelphia Eagles—happens on February 9 at 6:30 PM. It airs on Fox, and streams on Hulu, if you have Hulu's LIVE TV package.
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