Category - Movies
Mark Wahlberg's New Action Flick Debuts With Weak 28% Rotten Tomatoes Score
Marky Mark is back! But his newest film isn't funky or funny, and he's not saying hi to anybody's mom. Instead, in Flight Risk, Mark Wahlberg plays Daryl Booth, a combination hitman and pilot (hence the film title). Directed by the ever-controversial Mel Gibson, Flight Risk was written by Jared Rosenberg, whose script was well-loved in 2020 by Hollywood industry pundits. And the setup is pretty smart: What if the pilot assigned to transport a mob informer is secretly a hitman?
The thing is, the concept of Flight Risk might not be quite enough to carry the entire movie. The film just hit theaters, but the early reviews are skewing toward the negative. So, the question is: should you spend your hard-earned money on Flight Risk when its overall Rotten Tomatoes score is, as of this writing, only 28 percent?
According to the majority of critics, the problem with Flight Risk isn't in Wahlberg's performance, or the story in general, but rather, the execution of the concept. Critic Russ Simmons pointed out that "This otherwise taut thriller is undone by gaping plot holes and absurd dialogue." Meanwhile, Jonathan Sim wrote: "Flight Risk is fun at times but ultimately ends up as a mediocre attempt at a popcorn movie."
But, not all the reviews here are bad. Christopher Lloyd (the critic, not the actor) liked the movie, saying that "the tension is actually pretty good." This point is something that even the bad reviews of Flight Risk agree on: this may not make sense, but the ride is at least well crafted. So, if you can turn off your brain a bit, maybe Mark Wahlberg's latest turn as a villain could be a funny, but fluffy, night at the movies.