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Dave Coulier's Wife Gives Candid Update on His Cancer Treatment
Beloved Full House star Dave Coulier revealed back in November that he had been diagnosed with a “very aggressive” form of stage three non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and that he was in the process of undergoing chemotherapy treatments. Now, his wife Melissa has given an update on the 65-year-old's progress.
"He has some really tough days, you know, and as the chemo has been accumulating it gets a little tougher and more difficult," she revealed, speaking with Detroit's ABC 7 News. In 2019, the couple relocated to Coulier's hometown of St. Clair Shores, a suburb located about 15 miles northeast of downtown Detroit.
"He has such a positive attitude, and you need that in order to really fight it," Melissa continued. "Every morning, if he's feeling up for it, we try to like put on a song and do a little dance party with the dogs and enjoy the moments, because when you do feel good, you have to celebrate that too."
Coulier has also been providing updates on his health on his Full House Rewind podcast, where he's joked about everything from his lack of hair and hats he's been wearing to cold Michigan winters. When asked how he finds the strength to make light of both the good and tough moments, Melissa said his strength comes from the women in his family.
"I think it's just innately in him. He has had a lot of loss in his life when it comes to having to deal with cancer," she explained. "He lost his mother, his sister, his niece. His other sister had it. I think for him, he takes every stride and really pulls strength from seeing the women that were so close in his life to powering through it, and he just wants to honor them by doing that."
For her part, Melissa—who appeared on the segment alongside her friend and Live Well Lead Well co-founder Melanie Samuels, who are hosting an upcoming summit for women's wellness—said that she finds her strength in friends.
"You can't do this on your own. He's so beloved, and so that really helps. Everyone is really rallying around both of us. It's community, for sure," she added.
Coulier has also had the support of friends since he began his cancer journey. His longtime friend and Full House costar John Stamos posted a heartfelt public message to Coulier in the wake of his diagnosis, and even shaved his head—well, wore a bald cap in solidarity.
In addition to chemotherapy treatments, Melissa said that Coulier is also taking a holistic approach with his treatment, though she did not share what that entailed.