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Some Protein Powders Have Cancer-Causing Toxins, Study Finds
If you use protein powder as part of your health routine, you might want to consider just what you're using and its possible health risks.
According to Fortune, a new study by the Clean Label Project found that protein powders on the market could contain the toxic metals lead and cadmium. To reach this conclusion, scientists tested 160 products from 70 of the industry's best-selling protein powder brands, making up a total of 83 percent of the market. They conducted more than 35,000 individual tests on contaminants ranging from heavy metals like lead, cadmium, arsenic, and mercury to bisphenols like BPA and BPS and perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), or so-called "forever chemicals."
Of the products tested, 47 percent exceeded at least one state or federal regulation with regard to toxic metal thresholds. Organic protein powders were especially guilty of this, as they had three times more lead and twice the amount of cadmium compared to non-organic products. Similarly, plant-based protein powders were also found to be worse for you, as they had three times more lead than whey-based options.
"This study serves as a wake-up call for consumers, manufacturers, retailers, and regulators alike," the report read. "With the lack of comprehensive federal regulations specifically addressing heavy metals in dietary supplements, it is critical that the industry independently takes proactive measures."
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However, it's important to note that trace levels of many of these naturally occurring elements like heavy metals can be found in soil, air, and water, with the amounts falling well below federal thresholds. A 2020 study published in the Toxicology Reports journal, for example, insisted that "health risks of heavy metals in protein powder supplements should be conducted within the context of relevant background exposures and established health based standards instead of the presence of hazardous substances alone."
As always, read the label of everything you consume before purchasing and research any possible health risks.