Category - Fast food
Study Names America's Most 'Overpriced' Fast Food Chains
Even with fast food and fast casual restaurant prices at an all-time high, customers can still feel it in their wallet at some places more than others. As such, a study has determined the most "overpriced" fast food chains in the United States.
The study was conducted by Preply, an online, language-learning marketplace that connects students and tutors by means of a machine-learning-powered algorithm. In coming up with the findings, the company engineered a language analysis of 57,245 Google reviews of over 10,000 restaurants in the top 50 major U.S. cities to reveal which cities had the most overpriced restaurants.
To identify the most overpriced cities and restaurants, the algorithm honed in on reviews containing negative keywords such as "overpriced," "pricey," "expensive," "rip-off," "costly," "not worth the money," "inflated prices," and "high prices."
Among the key insights were the most overpriced chains, which saw Shake Shack as the biggest offender, followed by Five Guys and Sugar Factory; a brasserie and candy shop known over its over-the-top, decadent desserts and spiked adult beverages.
The cities with the most overpriced restaurants were also found to have been Oakland, CA, San Jose, CA, and Virginia Beach, VA.
"Through our analysis we found that Shake Shack, Five Guys, and Sugar Factory are the chains that receive the most overpriced food complaints," the study's authors write. "Being considered overpriced can impact the business you receive. Recently Shake Shack has decided to close nine of its underperforming stores, although it’s unclear if it’s due to their overpriced reputation."